Prophet Dr. Ezra Aniebue I The APN Founder
APN grants affiliations to credible local pastors networks in Africa. Credibility is defined based on the following:

The local pastors network must have at least a membership of 30 pastors and or ministers with their own respective churches

The local network must exist for the promotion of the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST

The local network must adhere to APN Statement of Faith

The network leader must be a pastor who is married to one wife with no involvement in sexual immoral behavior or promiscuity.

The network leader must not misrepresent APN, and must not promise anything to the local pastors on behalf of APN. Everything that APN does and is, are in writing and are never to be based on human words or promises.

The network must agree to pay the annual affiliation fee of $250 per year.

Willingness to participate in APN conferences any where in the world upon invitation. It is understood that APN does not grant visiting visas to any country. APN will issue upon qualification, a letter of invitation only. Conference participants in any country must pay their way, lodging and accommodation. Further APN does arrange speaking arrangement unless a pastor is invited as a guest speaker.

APN is not a bank. It does not disburse money to anyone and it does not loan anybody money.

All APN members and executives Must agree to resolve any problem or concerns with APN with the Bible as the final and only authority. Disagreements between ministers are settled only by the Bible.

The local network should be willing to host APN executives as agreed during meetings and conferences at their member churches.

Must be willing to show accountability statements on any assistance received through APN.


A USA connection for establishing church Bible school

Monthly teachings for your pastors networks via cds or dvds

Invitation to APN international conventions

Access to church leadership materials

Yearly certificate of affiliation

We are excited about your interest and are eager to help you strengthen and empower your pastor network to the Glory of GOD.

To affiliate your pastors network to APN, please write a letter of request addressed to Director of APN Affiliations. Please, your letter must be written using your ministry or network letter head. Attach copies of your proof of ordination to ministry, and proof of your pastor network. The address on your correspondence must not be a post office but a verifiable physical address, with a working phone number and a working email address. Please submit your request digitally to:
Disclaimer: All pictures and videos are used for education promotion use only.